Student visa

Student visa

 Bangladesh has a growing youth educated population and an under supply of jobs or work place to satisfy demand. This area has become an outbound market for the international repeated institutions and organizations of rich countries to recruit international students. Since the Students ofSouth Asian are academically, physically  and technically  sound, they have a great reputation to study in abroad by maintaining a proper duty and build their career in both, domestic and internationally.


HRD Express has been offering adequate services to genuineStudents who have original intention to meet their academic targets. In recent years, we have kept a proven track record of recruiting best students through counseling and professional service.

Currently we offer for USA, CANADA, South Korea, German, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Denmark, and Japan.


Benefits of Study Aboard

* See the world and broaden your experience.

* Gain a new perspective on your own country.

* Explore your heritage.

* Learn a language in a country where it is spoken.

* Improve your professional and financial potential.

* Become a full-time learner.

Gain new insights and outlooks through new relationships.

* Take control of your future.

* Make Lifelong Friends 
* Find New Interests 

* Take in a New Culture 
* Different Styles of Education 




Our Services:

* Profile Analysis

* University Selection

* Financial Planning

* University Application

* Documentation Support

* Visa Guidance

* Monitoring after departure

Our Process





